Using the app with Amazon MTurk


I highly recommend using SvelteTurk (a graphical MTurk HIT-making app by Eshin Jolly) to make running continuous-rater as simple as possible. Download the latest version here and read more about it here. However, if you are familiar with Python and want to write your own code to control the process, read on!

MTurk external question

In order to use an external website within MTurk, you have to use the AWS External question protocol. This entails creating a .xml file that contains a reference to your website (built with Netlify, or something similar). Here is the template you need to use (only edit the YOUR URL HERE section on the third line):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ExternalQuestion xmlns="">
  <ExternalURL>YOUR URL HERE</ExternalURL>

Save this file somewhere that you will reference later.

Python and MTurk

In order to interface with MTurk using Python, you will need to install boto3 from your command line:

pip install boto3

You will also need your AWS access key id and secret access key. Learn about how to find/generate them here.


The following section has code that will connect to your actual MTurk account and create a HIT visible to the worldwide marketplace. This means REAL MONEY IS INVOLVED. If you would simply like to test your HIT, see the Sandbox section below.

I recommend using a Jupyter Notebook to execute the following code. This part will allow Python to reference your MTurk account:

import boto3
import xmltodict
mturk = boto3.client('mturk',
   aws_access_key_id = "YOUR ID HERE",
   aws_secret_access_key = "YOUR KEY HERE",

Then, run this code to create a HIT using the .xml file you created earlier and filling in all necessary variables:

question = open('YOUR_XML_FILE_NAME.xml',mode='r').read()
new_hit = mturk.create_hit(
    Title = 'YOUR STUDY TITLE',
    Description = 'YOUR STUDY DESCRIPTION',
    Keywords = 'YOUR KEYWORDS',
    Reward = 'YOUR HIT PAY',
    MaxAssignments = 'NUMBER OF SUBJECTS',
    LifetimeInSeconds = 'TIME BEFORE HIT EXPIRES',
    AssignmentDurationInSeconds = 'TIME TO COMPLETE HIT',
    AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds = 'TIME BEFORE HIT WORK APPROVED',
    Question = question

print("A new HIT has been created. You can preview it here:")
print("" + new_hit['HIT']['HITGroupId'])
print("HITID = " + new_hit['HIT']['HITId'] + " (Use to Get Results)")

MTurk sandbox mode

Before deploying your HIT for real, it’s a good idea to run it in sandbox mode. The process of creating a sandbox HIT is very similar to the process of creating a real HIT:

import boto3
import xmltodict
mturk_sandbox = boto3.client('mturk',
   aws_access_key_id = "YOUR ID HERE",
   aws_secret_access_key = "YOUR KEY HERE",
   endpoint_url = MTURK_SANDBOX                

Then, run this code to create a HIT using the .xml file you created earlier and filling in all necessary variables:

question = open('YOUR_XML_FILE_NAME.xml',mode='r').read()
new_hit = mturk_sandbox.create_hit(
    Title = 'YOUR STUDY TITLE',
    Description = 'YOUR STUDY DESCRIPTION',
    Keywords = 'YOUR KEYWORDS',
    Reward = 'YOUR HIT PAY',
    MaxAssignments = 'NUMBER OF SUBJECTS',
    LifetimeInSeconds = 'TIME BEFORE HIT EXPIRES',
    AssignmentDurationInSeconds = 'TIME TO COMPLETE HIT',
    AutoApprovalDelayInSeconds = 'TIME BEFORE HIT WORK APPROVED',
    Question = question

print("A new HIT has been created. You can preview it here:")
print("" + new_hit['HIT']['HITGroupId'])
print("HITID = " + new_hit['HIT']['HITId'] + " (Use to Get Results)")

See the boto3 docs for more information on how to control your HITs via Python.